Our Quilt Ministry meets Wednesday mornings to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. The quilts are ultimately shipped all over the world. Monetary donations are gratefully accepted for fabric, batting and miscellaneous sewing items to complete the quilts. We also accept cotton fabric donations.
Serving our neighbors in and around the area of St. Paul's each Wednesday through year. Depending on weather conditions, a meal of a hotdog, chips, and water is given out under the portico on the west side of the building from 3-4 p.m. Volunteers are always welcome to come and participate. Prep is from 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the kitchen. Contact the Church Office (405) 721-0590 and they will direct you to someone about volunteering with this ministry.
HHELP has arrived! The Harvest Hills Elementary Lutheran Partnership is getting underway!! There are six areas where you may volunteer your time:
*Listen Up! - listening to children read
*Copy That! - making copies for teachers
*Magic Math! - assisting children with learning math facts
*Worksheet Wonder! - tearing out pages from workbooks
*Shelve It! - working in the library, shelving books, etc.
*KUDOS! - writing notes of encouragement and congratulations to students and teachers
Sign-up by contacting the Church Office (721-0590)!
Other ministries done quarterly, annually, or as we can: a women’s fellowship Vine Luncheon on two to four times a year at Reaching our City, as well as, Blessing Bags filled with snacks for the children at Reaching Our City as often as we can. We also do an annual food drive to support the food pantry at Reaching Our City.
From its beginning, the Lutheran Missions were primarily focused on the education of Native American young people. The Oaks Mission as a Children's Home was established in 1926 and is located approximately 65 miles east of Tulsa, Oklahoma, just 23 miles west of Siloam Springs, Arkansas.
Until 1977, children of the Mission were treated without regard for individual needs. The children were housed, fed, clothed, supervised, and sent to school. Individual needs were dealt with only as they surfaced in social and mental displays. The approach to the care of these children was "boarding school provision."
In February 1979, the children were assessed according to:
* Reason for intake.
* Observable needs by categories such as social, psychological, education, parenting, and health. From this assessment, four related sets of needs were identified:
* Pre-delinquent: Young children who have violated federal, state, or municipal laws and whom the juvenile workers and courts feel could better benefit from an "open" campus rather than the "closed" campus of a correctional institution.
* In Need of Supervision: The child who has (1) repeatedly disobeyed reasonable and lawful directions of his/her parents or legal guardian; (2) is willfully absent from home without the consent of parents or legal guardian for a substantial length of time or without intent to return.
* Deprived: A child who for any reason is destitute, homeless, or abandoned; or who does not have proper parental care; where there is neglect, cruelty, or depravity on the part of the parent or legal guardian; or where parent or legal guardian desires to be relieved of physical custody of the child.
* Boarding: This child is placed outside his/her home because of a need of education. This is a nine-month resident who will return to his/her respective home after the completion of the school year.
In May 1980, the name of Oaks Indian Mission was changed to Oaks Indian Center. The dormitory setting was eliminated and cottage living came into effect. These cottages are self-contained; cottage parents and their families became a part of the cottage population on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week. The "family" as a working unit became the focus of attention. In January 2004, the Board of Directors voted to change the name back to Oaks Indian Mission to better relate to and focus on our mission and heritage.
In the Oaks Indian Mission logo, the three feathers represent eagle feathers, which are symbols of love, friendship, honor, bravery, and mystical powers. The feather is used in ceremonies, healing, and purification.
This year we have a total of 32 Whiz Kids at Tulakes Elementary School. There are a total of 42 tutors and substitute tutors and St. Paul's has 10 out the 42. Cherokee Hills Baptist and Life Church provide the rest.
If you are interested in participating in this wonderful outreach to children,
please call 721-0590 and we will give you the coordinators name and phone number
to contact.
Reaching Our City (7710 N. W. 10th St.) is a compassionate ministry serving tens of thousands of individuals through community services in northwest Oklahoma City. Among the many outreach programs and missions
they have are: worship services for the community programs for kids and young adults, The Vine
(women's lunch and support group), a large food pantry open Tuesdays & Thursdays, [check their web site for hours) plus a thrift store at 1212 N. Rockwell.
St. Paul's Membership, Hospitality, and Social Ministry group provides lunch for The Vine women 2-3 times a year, plus Blessing Bags filled with goodies for the children who come to the food bank. Several St. Paul's members regularly volunteer at the food pantry.
Check out their web site for more information.