We start announcements at approximately 9:27. Our service follows this basic structure each week:
-Prayer and Opening Hymns
-Scripture Reading
-Children's Message
-Creed and Prayers
-Gluten free wafers and juice are available each week.
-Blessing and Dismissal
We are a welcoming, intergenerational community whose worship is guided by liturgy and a blend of musical styles primarily led by the organ and piano. All ages worship together. We have a cry room available. Dress is "Sunday casual" but we care about you more than the clothes you show up in!
Sunday school is from 10:45am-11:45am for Pre-K through Adults each week during the school year. Children 5th grade and below must be checked in and out by their parent or guardian.
We meet each Wednesday through the school year.
5:45 -Dinner in Activity Center ($5 donation suggested)
6:30 -Adult Choir practice (come sing with us!)
-Discipleship (groups based on age, same children's check in as Sunday mornings.)