Nancy Krause has 40 + years of experience working with singers; 10 in the Yukon Public Schools and over 30 working at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, first as a volunteer, then as hired staff since 1993. She has directed multiple productions there such as Youth Musicals and Cantatas, developed a handbell ministry and currently oversees and co
Nancy Krause has 40 + years of experience working with singers; 10 in the Yukon Public Schools and over 30 working at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, first as a volunteer, then as hired staff since 1993. She has directed multiple productions there such as Youth Musicals and Cantatas, developed a handbell ministry and currently oversees and coordinates all active choirs to ensure that they are able to offer their music in worship and on special programs. The Music Ministry has recorded 2 CDs and all ensembles are represented on both of them. She has taken both Youth Singing and Handbell Choirs to festivals out of town, or on tour in other churches in surrounding states. Her adult choir toured Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic in 2002. She organized and then coordinated 5 Lutheran Music Festivals in Oklahoma City inviting all Lutheran Church Musicians to combine and participate under the direction of esteemed guest conductors like Weston Noble, Craig Arnold, and Z Randall Stroope. She has led workshops in local handbell festivals and was the handbell clinician for the Disciples of Christ National Convention in 2018. She Chaired a committee that planned and presented an Ecumenical Service through the Oklahoma Alliance for Liturgy in the Arts in commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the OKC Bombing in 2015 gathering 168 singers from multiple denominations to form a choir under the direction of Internationally known conductor, Anton Armstrong, to give voice to those 168 souls who were lost in that national tragedy. Nancy earned a Bachelor of Music from The University of Missouri and a Master's of Music Education from the University of Central Oklahoma.
Rondal Wallace is a professional accompanist who has played concerts and performed recitals throughout the United States and Europe. Mr. Wallace has also performed extensively and recorded professionally with flutist John L. Edwards. In the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, Mr. Wallace has blessed many congregations with music over forty y
Rondal Wallace is a professional accompanist who has played concerts and performed recitals throughout the United States and Europe. Mr. Wallace has also performed extensively and recorded professionally with flutist John L. Edwards. In the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, Mr. Wallace has blessed many congregations with music over forty years of church musicianship.
Ron holds a Master’s Degree in Music Education from the University of Central Oklahoma and is nationally certified with Music Teachers National Association. With a devout passion for music education, he has taught at the secondary and collegiate levels. Currently, he is the staff organist and Adult Choir accompanist at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and he has been the Artistic Director for the Edmond Community Chorale and the President for the Oklahoma Choral Director's Association. He is also annually called upon to accompany the Oklahoma All State Choir at the state Music Convention for the Oklahoma Music Educators Association. Mr. Wallace is a member of American Choral Directors Association, Oklahoma Choral Directors Association, and Oklahoma Music Educators Association.